Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know I know the title is something you don't want to be thinking about but this is really important. You are probably getting ready for the school year right now (or you are in school). How do you  get to school, do you ride the bus,you/your parents drive, walk,bike. etc.?  Well I am really glad if you walk or bike. Most of you might think that the bus is the most environmentally hazardous but its not its better than having you or your parents drive to school. Driving to school causes traffic jams and  unnecessary gas wasting. it also reduces the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Walking to school,taking the bus or, biking will save ton of gas which is being wasted every day by careless people so walk or bike or wait at the bus stop.(Plus if you walk or bike you get in shape or stay in shape)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to stop by your blog and say hello and thank you for coming by mine and leaving your comment. You have a great blog and I have enjoyed checking it out so much. Keep up the good work and have a great week, too.
