Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm sooo sorry i haven't posted lately. I just started doing all this stuff like girl scouts and volunteering at our local theriputic horse farm and doing horseback riding. Anyways I just wanted to say a little something about the heat in houses.It is starting to get a little chilly outside and soon it will be winter. During the winter people will turn up thier heat but that wastes money and energy.If its cold in your house instead of turning up the heat try puttin on a jacket or some socks or a hat.You could even just use a blanket.Well that is all for today so bye now.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Windows. I know. I know, windows seems like a boring subject but windows is only part of what im gonna talk about. During the day you don't need to have all of your lights on at all unless you don't have a window.You can turn off your lights, and open your blinds or curtains and let some sunlight in. That way you wont be wasting electricity. Plus your parents (or you) will save money by not having to buy lightbulbs more often.Some of you may be thinking, i dont have a very big window in my room, well i dont either but it keeps my room well light.
My mom is calling me to do the dishes so i better go do that bye. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know I know the title is something you don't want to be thinking about but this is really important. You are probably getting ready for the school year right now (or you are in school). How do you  get to school, do you ride the bus,you/your parents drive, walk,bike. etc.?  Well I am really glad if you walk or bike. Most of you might think that the bus is the most environmentally hazardous but its not its better than having you or your parents drive to school. Driving to school causes traffic jams and  unnecessary gas wasting. it also reduces the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Walking to school,taking the bus or, biking will save ton of gas which is being wasted every day by careless people so walk or bike or wait at the bus stop.(Plus if you walk or bike you get in shape or stay in shape)

just a ps

In June I got the Justin Bieber movie and there was a purple ticket in it and it said to enter a code on a website. It told me i won a JB t-shirt and a hand signed film cell and im sooooo excited here it is teheheheheheh lol bye imma go watch the movie now (or climb a tree).

Friday, August 5, 2011


Here is a little poem i wrote about today.

Today is a sunny day.
The sky is blue the grass gently blowing in the wind.
The birds are chirping along with the crickets. 
Mother natures sweet sounds.
And there I am hidden in a tree.
Watching the cars pass by wondering.
How else could this day be better.
It's not hectic like the Monday thru Thursday.
Today is Friday.
Remember reduce,reuse,and recycle

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 ways to have more fun outside.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to go outside but find yourself without anything to do? Maybe your parents told you to go outside. Here are some ways to be outside without having to do either of those.
1. Find the perfect climbing tree.
2. Maybe talk your parents into going to a state or national park.                             
3. Go run, bike, skateboard, hop around your neighborhood or any place you can.
4. Go fishing or if there is no place to fish grab a fishing pole or a broom handle with some string on it and try to fish something out of a bucket.
5. Maybe help out and pull the weeds out of the garden or any yard work.
6. Sit in the grass and watch the clouds.
7. Play basketball or football with a friend.
8. Since its hot outside right now you can turn on the water hose. or you can get a bunch of water balloons and invite your friends over for a water balloon war.
9. Sit down anywhere you want like in a tree or on your front porch or in the grass and read a book.    
10. Grab some Nerf guns or air soft guns (make sure you have on eye protection and thick clothes those air soft guns hurt) and have a battle.

That is 10 ways to be outside and not be in the garage playing your DS or being outside without anything to do. 


Friday, July 8, 2011

Balancing your electronic and outdoors time

I have a time limit on my computer only 2 hours of computer time a day but i don't have to use all of it or any of it. Most kids and teens spend all or most of their free time on electronics (computers,cell phones,TV,Xbox,Wii,etc.) and not outside, with their family or anything non electronic.This is bad for them and bad for the environment. It's bad for them because the won't get any exercise and might not choose the healthiest of foods.It's bad for the environment because that is alot of energy wasted. I challenge you to try to unplug your computers and TV, don't text or make non-emergency calls and go outside,spend some time with your family ,study,go hang out with some friends anything non electronic for 2 days a week and then start doing that every week.(plus it will cut down on your parents electric bill) good luck have fun
P.S swimming might be a good choice right now lol  

Why I made this blog

I made this blog as a girl scout journey project. The journey i worked on was the Cadette media journey. I learned about how things in the media can affect you in many ways (good or bad) and how to balance my electronic time and my outdoors/reading/etc. time. I needed more time outside and things so the rest of my postings will be about how to balance your time and things kids can do to help with the planet help others and do good things. enjoy.