Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 ways to have more fun outside.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to go outside but find yourself without anything to do? Maybe your parents told you to go outside. Here are some ways to be outside without having to do either of those.
1. Find the perfect climbing tree.
2. Maybe talk your parents into going to a state or national park.                             
3. Go run, bike, skateboard, hop around your neighborhood or any place you can.
4. Go fishing or if there is no place to fish grab a fishing pole or a broom handle with some string on it and try to fish something out of a bucket.
5. Maybe help out and pull the weeds out of the garden or any yard work.
6. Sit in the grass and watch the clouds.
7. Play basketball or football with a friend.
8. Since its hot outside right now you can turn on the water hose. or you can get a bunch of water balloons and invite your friends over for a water balloon war.
9. Sit down anywhere you want like in a tree or on your front porch or in the grass and read a book.    
10. Grab some Nerf guns or air soft guns (make sure you have on eye protection and thick clothes those air soft guns hurt) and have a battle.

That is 10 ways to be outside and not be in the garage playing your DS or being outside without anything to do. 


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